St Giles' Church

Nipped down off the Barbican Highwalk to get this photo this morning - the shiny wet floor caught my eye. I also love the old yellow line that weaves its way round the entire Barbican complex. It's looking pretty old and tired now - wonder if it'll ever get refreshed or whether it's just being allowed to fade into history. I can remember it from quite a young age, when my Mum brought me up to London for the day, to see the Pied Piper of Hamelin with Sylvester McCoy at the Barbican :)

Also spotted something really interesting here, just to the right of where I took this picture from - all the gravestones from what must have been the original graveyard around this church have been set, lying flat, into several raised brick areas. I'll go back another day and try to get a decent shot....

Tired and bored at work today, but strangely a visit from the auditors this afternoon woke me up and made me a bit more interested. I was right in the middle of that afternoon slump and wishing I could take a nap, so it was quite well timed really. Thanks, auditors!

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