Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Yesterday a smiling dog and today ...

Another smiling dog ... It's my client Billy-boy ....
It rained this morning so DDLC and I went to Redditch as I had to go to Jessops to take my big posh lens in to have a minor repair ... It's gone off now to be sorted .... Whilst we were there is seemed silly not to have a McDonalds breakfast and also pop into Primark for a cheeky spend ... And also go to the bargain card shop ... A bargain card shop excites me you know as greetings cards are horribly over priced !
I could get really narky about the cost of cards .. How come I can buy TEN really lovely good quality ones in one place and other places charge £1.99 for the sort I paid 10p for ???? ITS SHOCKING ! Anyhow I always always stock up when we go over to Redditch and shop a few months ahead ... Wise and money savvy old me ;)
I have made some milk and white chocolate cookies and some scones.

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