To sit or not to sit?

Finally I managed a stop in Brent Pelham to take a look at the above. Before I stopped I thought it was a seat made out of a fallen tree, it is to celebrate the Queens Diamond Jubilee but having stopped I think it may just be a sculpture.

What do you think?

Had another one of those days, left work at one, told my boss it was because I could, she's fine about that as she takes plenty of short/full days off!

Went to look for some wool but John Lewis didn't have it, who would have thought finding a good quality pale baby blue aran wool would be so difficult. I have now given in and bought the wool in ecru.

Finished Agne's cardigan with some nice buttons and my usual label. Just hoping it is big enough now. Also found that a couple of duplo plates for building on fell in to my shopping basket so they will be winging their way to NZ shortly!

In the meantime I am back on the 3-6 month boys cardigan, surely I can finish that in the next couple of days.

Just ordered the book 'The Farm' as well as Game of Thrones season 3, and have 'The Little Coffee Shop in Kabul' in my back pack which I am reading whenever I can. Oddly for me I finished a book in a day last Tuesday, it was 'The Shock of the Fall' quite enjoyed it, think I may have to read it again maybe from a different view now I know the end.

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