I " " BLIP - 1500!
So finally i get that lovely sparkly red camera icon!
When i first began this journal i had no idea it would take such a hold on me! It is still the place i begin my day, here at the computer, with my first coffee and blip!
I often end the day here too....but that's usually with a glass of wine by my side !
It is still by far the most unique site of this genre here on the interweb.....it is such a pleasure to be a part of this big hearted, generous and supportive community. What a lovely bunch of crazy folks we have gathered here. So many amazing experiences have been witnessed on Blip....births, deaths, new discoveries...old friends reunited, the list goes on.
I just found out that a good buddy of mine, here on Cape Breton Island has joined blip....apparently it's all my fault!!! She was using just a regular point and shoot camera, then she saw my Nikon and what i was doing with it....off she went and spent a bundle and now she's part of this community. Please drop by and say a big Blip hello to Barb .
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