BlipaEwan 23...
This is my monthly track of my children as they grow to see how they change as time goes by. I try to get them on the same date of each month (the one year ago thumbnail has proved a brilliant tool for this series) and in the same pose so that I can see how they change over time.
This month Ewan ended up having a load of medical tests done this month. Mrs TFP (I'm good at bodily extrutions) noticed lumps in his neck which she asked the doctor about. The doctor found what he defined as enlarged lymph nodes. He refered us to the hospital where Ewan got tests for all the big hit nasties. All turned out negative but as an aside, they found he had a low iron count which is not really surprising considering in disdain for vegetables.
There is a phenomena in the house that is slightly perplexing me this month. There is a phrase that is heard daily but not often seen. The phrase is "EWAN PUSHED MEEEEEE!!". This happens a lot more when the kids are playing by themselves than when Mrs TFP or I are in the vicinty and although he really shouldn't do it, the reaction far outweighs the action from what we've seen.
I have a new favourite Ewanism. Umbrella. It translates into "Uu-bre-bra".
Oh, nearly forgot. the dummy has been banished. Took a bit longer than with Bethany and to be honest, we got help from Bethany's nursery at the time but managed it without little effort.
You can check out the rest of this series by entering the word BlipaEwan into the Blipfoto search tool.
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