FIGGY's Sporadic Blips

By Figgy

Duffus Castle

Duffus Castle in Moray, Scotland was originally a motte-and-bailey castle built in 1140 and at the time of its establishment was one of the most secure fortifications in Scotland.

The motte was an immense man-made mound with steeply sloping sides and a wide and deep ditch surrounding the base. Timber buildings stood on its flat top protected by a wooden palisade placed around the edge of the summit. The motte was accessed from the bailey, a wide stretch of earth elevated above the surrounding area but not as high as the motte which, at Duffus, was reached by steps set into the mound. The bailey contained all the buildings necessary to sustain its inhabitants – brew and bake houses, workshops and stables, and living accommodation.

During its occupation Duffus Castle underwent many alterations, the most fundamental being the destruction of the original wooden structure and its replacement with a stone building. By 1705, at the time of the death of the 2nd Lord Duffus, the Castle had become unsuitable as a dwelling house and was abandoned.

MOH's birthday today and back to Inverness tonight for tapas.

Backblipped with 18.2.14 - PLEASE TAKE A LOOK

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