
By Avocadell

Prince Rupert's Mound

This is a lovely little hill/mound/tump crowned with trees that we can see from the house. This is from a bit closer during lunch time walkies.
Many years ago I was told by an old man that it was locally known as Prince Rupert's Mound because he and his troops rested there whilst marching in the English Civil War. I've never met anybody else who's heard this local legend or read it anywhere. But Prince R certainly passed this way, so it could be true....
26th June 1644 - Prince Rupert with a Royalist army of 14,000 men marched into Yorkshire after a successful campaign in Lancashire during the previous 4 weeks. After resting his army in Skipton for 3 days Prince Rupert led his men down the Wharfe valley to Illkley.

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