Open Doors
...are an invitation for photographers on the snoop, I found these behind an open gate in the Carlsberg grounds. It's another of the many abandoned buildings here that are being given over to non/low profit enterprises on a temporary basis, until the builders move in.
Now for a pointless political groan, skip it is my advice. I only wrote it 'cos I'm so fed up with the situation.
Politically speaking, the EU is forcing the doors of Denmark open. We pay the highest taxes in the world (give or take) and we get a lot for these high taxes. Students get paid to go to college and university, every child qualifies for a few hundred pounds a month allowance, all pensioners are entitled to get their houses vacuumed....etc (... not to mention free health care). Now we are to pay all these benefits, from day one, to any European who brings their child here or wants a quality education. This extends to any European that gets residency and moves back to their home country. This is ridiculous because no other country offers this level of welfare why should we now lose it all because we can't afford it? I hate paying 38% tax (the lowest level) but I hate it even more when it is given away by idiots in Bruxels.
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