Wild Sheep Chase!!!

I was on my way back from the shop, when I noticed a sheep loose at the side of the road, grazing on flowers beside a memorial.
I decided to turn the car around, but by the time I got back, these two were there.
So what to do?
I have previously tried to round up sheep on my own but that doesn't work.
(Why is a sheep dog like The Gorgeous Molly not about when you need them?)
There were a couple of houses nearby, so I went to them and fortunately, some people were in.
So now, the four of us tried to get the sheep back into their field.
One held the gate open making sure the other sheep didn't escape.
One went behind the sheep to move them forward.
The other two tried to get the sheep to move in the right direction by waving arms about.
We also had to keep an eye on the cars passing by. We probably looked like complete idiots.
Last night we went to see the film of Sunshine On Leith at a local hall. It was okay. Some great shots of Edinburgh.
This is my favourite song from it.

Sent from my iPad

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