Bend in the River

Monday and Walkers day and I must say it was grrreat to be bark.

Everyone admired my haircut as we set off beside the Clutha River and walked till lunchtime (theirs) where I set about serious snuffling and managed to get my mush completely covered with grass burrs and The Boss got his fingers stabbed countless times de-burring me. The Boss pointed out that dogs really need humans to look after them in moments like this and I agreed because we also haven’t mastered the gentle art of getting the grub cupboard open or the water tap turned on. Everyone was very impressed as he held my mouth shut with one hand and plucked burrs with his fingernails with the other and I never struggled.

We really do understand each other…Sigh!

The Clutha is a very scenic river. If you are lucky enough to fly into Queenstown on a more Easterly path and you are sitting on the right side of the aircraft you will see the tortured path the Clutha takes from the lake outlet towards the sea and this image is just one of the bendy bits. There are heaps more just like this.

Bigger bend

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