Back Blip #1 - Sunday Sailing

More sailing. Though we traded in Saturday's slow and broken beast for something a bit more sporty through a friend who wanted to get out sailing on his boat, but missing an equipage. That means we didn't participate in the regatta since his boat wasn't registered, but it did mean we had a lot of fun. - even if bad luck followed us again today. Leaving the hardbour we ripped the bead out of the seat of the main sail (don't ask me the technical terms please!) Let's just say, I was on the crank pulling the sail up... and the guys told me yesterday, when something gets too hard, stop. So, I did. They told me to keep going and I did. Then I stopped again. Are you guys sure??? The owner of the boat said to go for it and so I did. haha Anyway, we sailed all morning with the front sail and it was plenty for the wind we had. Would have been MUCH more fun if the main sail was up and we could have layed it over like these guys....

Turns out the damage isn't too bad to the sail and he'll be back in business in a few days with some small repair.

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