
By Brookeside

Big chair, little person

Today we got ready and went to the shops. I like to take things from mum to put them in the trolley but some things I refuse to let go of like the blueberries, tomatoes and bread! Our bread was getting home quite flat so mum and dad won't let me have it anymore :( then we went a big long drive so mum could order special jewellery for her and dads wedding, I took the opportunity to have a lovely long sleep! Then we went to gran and grandpa's and I had dinner there while mum and dad went to pick up dresses for auntie Siobhan and auntie Nicola for the wedding. This wedding stuff is always going on! The most important dress (my flower girl dress!) hasn't arrived yet though. Mum can't wait to go get it when it does come in :)

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