
The snow fell for most of the day yesterday, huge fluffy snowflakes - but they didn't stick to the ground.   Just as well, because we would have had a good few centimetres if it had.  There was just a light dusting of snow when we went to bed.  By this morning, around 20cm had fallen!  It hasn't stopped all day.  G got out the snow blower, but the snow was wet and heavy, so we ended up shovelling for a couple of hours.  After a little break, G got out the skis and we went out to the road.  Someone had been driving - one set of tire tracks - and it was great, because we were able to ski in the tracks.  We made a little route around our field.  It's so fantastic to put our skis on outside our door and go!  I've been looking forward to skiing and loved it!  Might be a bit stiff tomorrow, but it's worth it!
Our power was out for a few hours and I wouldn't be surprised if it went out again.  It's been flickering off and on.  We have heat, food, and a back up generator if we need it, so we're prepared.  All those years living in much more severe winter conditions pays off now when we do get these snowfalls.  We've heard branches snapping and falling in the bush all day; the snow is so heavy.  It's supposed to snow all night, and we have about 30 cm now.  It's absolutely beautiful though, and if the sun comes out, it will be spectacular!
We might be snowbound for a couple of days.  Our road likely won't get plowed until tomorrow.   I can't believe someone actually tried to drive on it this morning.  I reckon the schools will be closed tomorrow.

Gold for our Canadian men's hockey team!  We watched the last two periods and enjoyed it.  I never watch hockey any more because I can't stand the fighting - what other team sport allows such brutality?   International games are so much better with the bigger ice and the no fighting rule.   Our Canadian women's and men's teams in the Olympics were so skilled and showed such sportsmanship and heart.  Awesome!

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