Wild Sparks .......

By WildSparks

Oranges are not the only fruit......

Well today I got up and pottered around the house doing I don't know what!!! Where does the time go...... Then went to Hove (actually) to the Bell pub in hove for lunch with the Brighton and Hove Pub grub group, run by the lovely Chris. There were many new faces I have not met before and there was Ade and Chris who I had met. We had a great lunch £9.95 for a roast dinner, and it was scrummy. I had roast pork with crackling. Would like to got there again and it might be a venue for future Conversation Cafes as it was so friendly.

Had a leisurely walk back to the car, only got a little lost relocating it.

On the drive home I was following a very old white Porsche and its number plate was 123 BOY ...... then by chance a new Porsche pulled up along side it at the ligths with the number plate 123 NEW .... I tried to take a quick photo from the car whilst driving, not good enough for here. But did make me chuckle, thought it was more like Old Boy than New Boy!!!

Then returned home to watch Come dine with me!! and ate Honey Pomelo I decided my Pomelo could make the blip as I have only recently discovered this fruit and I have to say it is very very tasty! Strange fruit and it tastes like a cross between a grapefruit and an orange. I thought I would show it in its many stages!

My friend Paul popped in and I started to tackle sorting the paperwork, this is hugely daunting and I find it very hard. The great news is that the house has stayed clear and I am working very hard on keeping on top of it so that it does not get so bad again......

Off to bed with the furry one now!! (that's Dexter not Paul) ....

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