Surprise Visitors

After breaking the journey from Scotland and stopping at my sisters in Manchester I popped in to see my wonderful friend Siama (known as Ninny on Blip).
She had mentioned to some of the children I used to teach that I would be stopping by and they came round to say hello. I taught them when they were in Reception and then again in Year 1. They are both now in secondary school and it was lovely to hear about how they're getting on now; so grown up and mature yet still, in many ways, I see them as they were when they were 5. I do hope as they grow up and face the many challenges that adolescence brings they can remain as happy and individual as they are today.
Siama was as charismatic and chatty as ever and if only we'd had more time, we could have talked all day!
We had a long journey home with the rest of the traffic traveling south after the half term holiday but I had another lovely surprise when we finally arrived home; my Blip Book has arrived. I LOVE it!! It has inspired me to carry on with my daily blipping and I now need to choose my 6 favourite images for the past year as requested by Blip.
Can't believe the holiday is over already but it's been a good one :-)

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