A Glimpse At Who I Am!

By georgexx

The worst part of decorating!

Is definitely all the sorting that goes with it! I drive my husband mad when I sort out because I put everything into a big pile and sort it from there. He doesn't work like that, but my way is definitely quicker than his.

I finished off our room today! It's amazing how much I managed to get done without a child around! I now need to hang the new curtains and we just need to decide on new furniture. I've not quite finished the sorting out yet but Charlotte was brought back and I had promised a roast in exchange for babysitting.

I hope to finish tomorrow when she goes back to school but I also have a run to do, rainbows to prep and my whole downstairs to give a good clean as it's been neglected this week. Busy day tomorrow! Mondays are always hard work and tomorrow is going to be busier than normal!

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