
By dfb24

Seagull on Ice

Today is still really cold--19 degrees--but the sun is shining & if you don't look at the ground (to see the snow) & you bundle up (so you don't feel the cold) it's ALMOST spring-like! (I've got a good imagination, which helps the illusion! Haha!) I was back at the Milwaukee River today, which has a huge piece of ice right in the middle of it that the gulls were using as a resting/take-off area today. Most of the ducks were gone...not sure where they were all off to, but they weren't gathered here like they usually are, so gulls it was today! I chose this one even though the wings are a bit out of focus as I really liked the sun coming through the wings--almost looks like a dove as it has a sprig of something in it's beak-- it's right in the act of landing on the ice, & I really liked it's reflection on the ice! :)

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