The Betsy Holden Award

In November last year, Betsy did a TEDx talk at her schools annual TEDx Event. It was called 'Searching for my Sport' and was about her journey to discover softball.

She did an amazing job and the evening was a big success.

Later, I sent the link (all TED & TEDx talks are on YouTube) to her Coach, who had been a huge inspiration and instrumental to both her success and her love of the game. Within a few days it had gone all round the softball community and she was getting emails from international players and coaches to say how good it was. It also came to the attention of the two softball governing bodies, Baseball Softball UK and The British Softball Federation. The speech has been viewed over 1,000 times on YouTube (the usual average is about 250).

The BSF put it on their website, then the UK newsletter, then the European Newsletter, then the International Newsletter , 'Remarkable speech of young British Softball Girl', the headline said.

The Chair of the British Softball Federation contacted me to say that they would like to give Betsy some sort of formal recognition for creating such an amazing speech and inspiring so many young players and coaches alike. Later they emailed to say that they have created a new annual award for the most inspiring U18 player each year, and it is to be called 'The Betsy Holden Award and she was to be the first recipient. I couldn't believe it!

They asked us to bring her to their AGM where they would screen the talk to their committee and members and present her with the award. We took her to Manchester today - she knew they were screening the talk but not about the award. She was amazed. It took a while to sink in not just that she had been given an award but that they have named it after her. (Chris keeps saying she is like Irving Thalberg).

It says;

Betsy Holden Award
Betsy Holden

She knows all the U18 players so it will funny when next year one of her friends wins 'a Betsy Holden'!

She is happy but very surprised at everything that has happened.

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