If you can't beat them...

By Jerra


Today being Saturday clickychick had to go to our holiday lodge, to get the washing after the guests left. I went along for the run out and to keep her company. While she was doing the routine jobs followed by some of the less routine "winter deep clean" tasks. I was sitting feeling guilty for not being able to help and considering what I might do for a blip.

The sun was coming and going with such speed that it would be gone before you could get your camera and get outside. So I concentrated on things in the lodge which might make an interesting shot. After some experimenting I settled on a detail from this fossil which we have as an ornament. To give some idea of scale the fossil is about eight inches long and this is say the middle three inches.

On the recovery front, sleeping continues to improve, and there is virtually no discomfort from the wound. So all that seems to remain is continue to do the exercises and slowly increase the amount of walking and standing I am doing.

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