
It was so lovely to have a sunny day today - it seemed to linger too rather than turn to rain.

I text Mum this morning just to double check what smellies I had left down there that I wont need to take when we go down on Thursday - she text back to say she had had a frantic call from Aunty Jean's neighbour. Aunty Jean is the last living person who has known mum all her life. I have mentioned before about mum being adopted and we are lucky enough to now be in close contact with Mum's sister and her family but Jean has known Mum since she was adopted at 18months and they even lived together when Mum was bought home from the children's home.

Aunty Jean never had children so Mum is the daughter she never had. She is now 82 and her husband died several years ago meaning she has been alone since then. Mum has always visited her even since moving to Cornwall (she lives by the Forest of Dean in Gloucester). Her health has deteriorated of late and when Mum was last with us two weeks ago Jean had a fall meaning mum went to her. She couldn't believe just how ill she was - this is despite several visits to her GP. Long story short Aunty Jean was discharged from hospital and had a fall this morning. Mum has come up to see her as Jean has said she cant go on anymore - I think for any 82 year old to admit this, let alone one so proud as Aunty Jean, is a huge thing. I told Mum I will go tomorrow to support Mum as I could tell how upset she was. She said no. She then sent me a photo of Aunty Jean. I would never have recognised her - she isnt the vibrant, glamorous woman I once knew.

I have decided to visit her tomorrow. I am taking Minnie. I think Mum needs to see her. It may also be the only time Aunty Jean gets to see Minnie, that sounds awful but it is the reality. Mum thinks it will give her a lift too. They cant get a GP out to her as yet, it is very frustrating - when Aunty Jean was in hospital she had tests and the results of these have still not being given?!?!?!? At least with Mum here she can put some pressure on them.

She is already writing a letter of complaint about the way Aunty Jean's GP has treated her...having seen the photo of Jean I do not understand how they cant see she is ill, it is so sad

Laugh when you can,
apologize when you should,
and let go of what you can't change.
Life's too short to be anything... but happy.
- Anonymous

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