All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Busy Day

Today started with a small miracle. Both kids slept in till 7.30an! Yay!

It was Eden's first day in the next level of gymnastics class, where she had to go on without me. She was very enthusiastic about it all morning, until 2 minutes before the coaches called the kids through. She did go in with them, albeit very reluctantly. I felt quite emotional at this point and wondered how long it would be till she was brought out again on tears. However she lasted the whole class and came running out to me at the end with a big smile on her face ! Apparently she did cry for a few minutes in the class but did really well apart from that !

I then stayed for Ethan's class while hubbie took Eden home.

Lunch , then the kids played in the garden while hubbie rebuilt Ethan's playhouse which fell apart in the high winds a few weeks back .

In the afternoon Ethan went to a nursery pals birthday party at Bubbles. Apart from 2 female siblings, it was all 4 and 5 year old boys there. Wow were they noisy!

Overtime for me this evening. Hopefully I'll sleep well tonight having been on the go all day !

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