Life, not as we see it.


Mt Fuji? Naw! Mt Teide, Teneriffe, Las Canarias.

View from seat 9A, Ryanair Boeing 737 - 800.

Well, here we go again, off on a search for inner peace and outer bronze. Left chilly Embra @ 06:50 this day, slightly late due to the inability of Mr & Mrs Jock Punter to differentiate between metric and imperial units of measure, trying to board with what can only be described as a wardrobe, not hand baggage. Notwithstanding the slight delay, we landed at Teneriffe Sur ahead of schedule. The downside of that is that we were subjected to Ryanair's triumphal fanfare. I suppose 93% timely arrival is something to shout about, but need they be quite so in yer face?

Flight was OK. Just a couple of points for travellers with small children, and adults with colostomy bags: Try Calpol, and change it BEFORE you travel.

Transfer to resort went fine as did access to our apartment, which is super. Comfy and well equipped although the gleaners have been in, taking all usable condiments etc.
There's a large SW facing terrace, and we are immediately adjacent to the complex's quiet pool.

Local bar serves tasteless beer, and gelatinous pate, amongst other delights, all seemingly pale imitations of the real things. No real surprise there, and to be avoided for the next 7 days.

Local supermercado owner is apparently intent on retiring on this year's profits alone, or so it would seem. A bit of shopping around required.

Strange yellow thing in the southern sky threatens to convert pale Scottish skin to lobster hues very rapidly if not avoided. Care to be taken, initially at least.

Alba seeing you

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