"Down again!"

Four of us went out to see if we could climb Dreish and Mayar, not knowing what the conditions would be, though strong winds were forecast for the tops.
We got well up the headwall but were floundering through snow that was thigh deep, or more, in places and then caught up with about 16 others similarly floundering. The general consensus was turn back and 75% did, including us - don't know how the other 4 got on. We met some more going up who also turned round just above where we did. We've been up in winter before but the snow wasn't as deep as today.
Back below the snow line we walked up to Jock's Road and round, so still had a good walk and hot drinks in the Glen Clova Hotel. (after Mr Rat had used our jump leads to start someone's van).
In briefly before going out again, so not much time for commenting.

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