
Floating in the breeze :)

After a lie in I took the car and went down to the river for a short walk with the camera. I needed some fresh air after the long week at work (which I'm not yet used to) and it was a gorgeous sunny morning :) As I was walking down from the road bridge to the river level I spotted these gorgeous Catkins! Another sign of the beauty of spring :)

I have been playing about with f stops and like the fact the background fades out here :) Can anyone tell me why (when my camera f stops go down to f3.5), the camera refused to go lower than 5.9?

More pictures from the riverside here :)

Must get on with some laundry and general chores now, but hoping to do some chilling out later this afternoon!

In other news our road is still closed at one end where the fountain is continuing to come out of the manhole cover... Here's hoping it doesn't rain heavily again in the weeks to come...

Happy Saturday folks :)

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