Crenel View

By crenel

Crunch, crunch

It's amazing how much a part of my life this photo represents. Whee, feeding the cat, exciting stuff, right? Well, no. The problem is that he is insistent on having me walk him to his bowl. If I ignore him, he just keeps meowing and/or patting my leg to get my attention. If I continue to ignore him, he'll wander away for a short while and then return to start over. I know he eats without me when I'm not home, but in his little brain somewhere there seems to be a "need permission from the big animal" thing that often stops him from eating until I've shown him it's OK.

This actually detracts from my productivity by interrupting me in my work. I'm caught between wanting to be productive, which means get up immediately and walk him to his bowl to keep the interruption as short as possible, and wanting to break him of the habit, which means not getting up to do it at all (which, so far, just seems futile -- I will eventually get so mad about the distraction that I have to abruptly resolve it so I can get back to work).

As old as he is, it's probably too late to break him of the habit. :(

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