Return to the North

By Viking

Shags galore!

Headed into Invercargill today to do my fortnightly food shop. It was a bright and breezy(!!!!!) day.
First port of call was Godfrey's to buy a new vacuum cleaner. I brought a Dyson out with me from the UK but it needed servicing and a cleaning head replacing and a number of other things so in the interim I bought a cheap nasty one from the Warehouse. False economy really as although it picked up dirt ( I emptied the thing so I know it did) it was always a bloody pain in the ass. The lid for it wasn't overly secure and the balance/weight was all wrong so it kept tipping over. Anyway to cut a long story short I decided to buy a decent one. Now several hundred dollars shorter than I was this morning!

I then went to the New World In Invers - and after spending another large amount of money on food I came out to an old woman writing on a piece of paper - she had pranged my car trying to park in the parking space next to mine! She'd done a belter of a scratch down my supposedly shiny blue car and had a good go at trying to remove the bumper! Bless her at least she had the good grace to apologise and give me her details. So an insurance claim afoot me thinks!

On the way home I turned off at Riverton to head up to henderson Point. Bloody windy but had a walk along the beach. These shags were sat on the beach sheltering from the wind. As i walked towards them they took off. :-)

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