
By schorschi

Lack of colour

Murky day with a bit of drizzle. Managed to get some work done in the garden while Angie went to Ottobeuren for shopping and a walk with the dogs. Stayed indoors after lunch although it then stayed dry.

This Blip was taken by Angie in the afternoon while I took a nap. They say sparrows are getting rarer, the population having gone down by between 25 and 50% in the last 25 years, in big cities such as Hamburg by 85%. It is now on the warning list of endangered birds in Germany, the next step, the red list.

The two problems seem to be the renovation of houses with much fewer nook and crannies for nests and the reduction in indigenous shrubs and bushes for food. One bird protection society says you can count yourself lucky to spot one! Well we do have quite a number but a lot less than the tits that are about in huge numbers. So while perhaps not the most colourful Blip, a welcome one.

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