
By CafeMistblick

Rubbish Newspaper

The county council "Environment News" arrived today. It's actually all about rubbish disposal. However the front photo is of a bee hive that has been set up in the grounds of the county council offices in Mindelheim, on a part which has been planted with bee friendly grasses & flowers. Seems to have interested our bees who were out enjoying the sunshine.

Some facts about rubbish in our county:

Garbage: 136 kg per resident 2013
Recyled: 347 kg per resident 2013 (incl. composted)

Germany/EU comparison of how rubbish dealt with (as % of total rubbish)
-----------------------Germany------------EU Average
Burnt:------------------ 37%------------------- 23%-------Denmark #1: 54%
Recycled:---------------45%--------------------25%------Germany #1: 45%
Composted:-------------17%--------------------15%------Austria #1: 34%
Buried:-------------------1%---------------------37%------Rumania #1: 99%

One plus out of the high German burning is that they also have the highest amount of energy won (heat & electricity in Megawatts). Don't know exactly but think the Danes probably gain more power as % of amount burnt.

Surprised me that Ireland is #2 in recycling. Not sure why but thought it would be one of the Nordic countries.

On a sad but not unexpected note: opened up the hives and the weak colony is dead. Sad. Lots of food in the hive, the winter hasn't been hard. MrB mentioned on Tuesday that he inspected his hives that day and found one dead colony, again very surprising as they were strong and he could see no reason.

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