Growing old disgracefully



Our 'guest room' doubles as the bike shed, the cloakroom, the boot cupboard and hosts the overflow from the kitchen. You can tell the frequency of our overnight guests by the degree to which the foreign objects have reclaimed their space. When you can no longer see the bed it is time to be hospitable once more. So, I tidied up a bit today and brought in some snowdrops from the garden to await the arrival of the Fair Maid.

There is nothing quite like an evening spent with a very good, long term friend, reminiscing, finding out what we are thinking now and having a good belly laugh. Al this and breakfast still to come.

The problems I was dealing with yesterday were mainly resolved today and I feel so much better. Many thanks for all the support. Getting a virtual hug from top blipper ]louisemac[/url] made all the pother almost worth while.

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