With mountains like these

By Sollergirl


I think of myself as generally an optimistic and happy one. I have my days like most, of course. One acquaintance says, "How come you always look so happy?". However, I think some of my closer friends think I'm a bit moany. I daren't ask Agu. Well if I let it out, it's probably with the ones I love.

To quote our rival for the Baftas,

O would some power the giftie gie us to see ourselves as others see us.
(O would some power the gift to give us to see ourselves as others see us.)
Robert Burns, Poem "To a Louse" - verse 8
Scottish national poet (1759 - 1796)

Anyway, today I decided to tempt fate and treat it as a lucky day. It's worked out well so far. I had a fun lesson with V. Mum and I had a ladies' lunch with two 5 year olds. Then we went to the Port and looked at what we might buy, should luck pervade. This yacht was huge. Actually, it wouldn't be my choice, probably something more like the Joylu here.
She reminded me of the Joy luck club. (I still haven't read it.)

Unfortunately, my thumb is over the bottom of the 9, so it looks more like 0 million. More realistic I suppose. I'll let you know tomorrow if I win. That's if I'm not off on my new boat.

Hope you had a lucky day and have a great weekend.

Edit: NOPE!

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