fleeting visions

By eyeGillian

The game is on!

I am the first to admit that I'm not a sports person. I know the name of the local minor league teams in town, but I've never been to a game or cheered them on. But during every Olympics, I suddenly find sports fascinating. I can't get enough of the thrills and spills, and especially the intensity and tears. TV (and live streaming on the web, which is my tv) has become expert at showing us the close-up of faces straining with effort, crushed or elated. During the airing of these games, I find I begin not only to relate to these incredible athletes, but on some level to become them. I guess it's a vicarious experience, but it's undeniably addictive.

So this afternoon I had a bit of time to walk through the centre of town, where nearly everyone who could steal a moment or two of time was glued to the big semi-final game between Canada & the U.S. I know it was only a semi-final, but Canadians take their hockey rivalry with our big southern neighbour very seriously! There were TVs in the mall, in the library, and in the market. The optometrist office had the game on a computer in the back office, the music store owner was listening to the game on the radio, the yoga shop owner had the game playing on a tiny smart phone beside the till. And the bars - like this one - were packed!

And yes, Canada won. Go Canada Go!

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