Enjoying nursery xx
I was showered and ready this morning by 7.30am and Eva was already awake, sitting up in her cot grinning at me, holding all 3 of her snuggles, 2 snuggle bears and her snuggle Igglepiggle that she had for her birthday off us.
Today's nursery daily diary entry...
Date: 17/2/14
Key worker: Debbie
Breakfast: Rice Crispies and toast
Snack: pear
Lunch: macaroni cheese, yoghurt
Tea: cheese and crackers, cucumber
Bottles: after lunch drank all, 2.45pm drank half a bottle, after tea drank half a bottle
Sleep: 12.15-1pm
Nappies: 9.30s, 12w, 2w, 3.40s, 4.45s
Activities: Eva played with the dry cornflakes. She enjoyed picking up handfuls and crushing them. Eva also enjoyed eating some of them.
I walked into the baby room to collect her at around 5.30pm tonight, and there she was, sat playing with all the little plastic animals, totally oblivious to me at first, and when she did see me, she held up a cow to show me. I said "Sorry am I disturbing you, sweetheart? Are you busy?" And as I was sat chatting to Debbie about Eva's day, Eva went crawling off to go and play with something else, obviously having a lovely time. It's so good to see her happy there and settled.
We had beef stew for tea that I'd had in the slow cooker all day, Eva really enjoyed feeding herself chunks of potato, strips of beef, and pieces of carrot, onion, swede and parsnip. She even picked up little pieces of pearl barley and ate those too.
Mike then took her up for her bath while I cleared away, then I went up for snuggles and milk before I tucked her into bed at around 7.50pm. I did go back up once more about half an hour later as she woke up crying, so I gave her a little more milk and cuddled her, then tucked her back in and she went straight back off to sleep. Xxx
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