Reasons to smile...

By Lauraiea

Hugs at home

I am home. After a sleepless night as two older ladies (one was 91- amazing age!) snored all night last night. Loudly. As if they were competing. It was a struggle and I felt minging all night. I am glad to be home but am feeling really low and tearful- I think my body really misses exercise, physically. I don't know I'm just glad Leo is here to hug and entertain me.

The two older ladies were being discharged this morning but had to walk with zimmers to show they were able- at the same time from opposite sides of the room. When they met in the middle, with their zimmers and in their hospital gowns, I went "FIGHT!" which they thought was hilarious but was potentially a bit off putting and dangerous thinking back. It entertained a 16 year old who was also in and quite scared too though and so I can handle the dirty looks I got from the OTs!

I don't know. Perk me up people. Maybe it's just being ill that had knocked me down. And going from having nurses around for reassurance and such to being a little scared on my own. I'll survive. When I feel like I'm a bit out my depth I always say to myself "You bloody climbed Mount Fuji! There's nothing you can't do!"

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