Look at my hair!!!!

My hair is getting long and it is starting to get in my eyes. So today, mummy out bobbles in it, she then out a hair band in it. Well; I looked a right state, hair all over the place and sticking up. Mmmm need to practice mummy.

We had a busy day again today. We dropped a couple of essentials of for grandma and grandad so they can have a cup of tea and bacon rolls when they get back from holiday. I have missed them lots and lots. Mummy said I will see them tomorrow, so I started blowing them kisses. I know they will catch them.

We all had a quick lunch. McDonald's. I managed to steal some of my sisters, I wasn't having stinking stew if she was having chips!

I wasn't tired so missed my nap. I had great fun playing with my sister this afternoon. I eventually fell asleep on the floor face down, I woke up in the big chair, how I got there I have no idea.

I had a lovely bath, got cosy jammies on and had my last bobo. Tomorrow I hope to see grandma and grandad. So I'm off to dance with the fairies to keep myself busy.

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