through His eyes.

By throughHiseyes


I honestly don't know why I chose a self portrait for this post. Such a... Intense? Selfie styled... Picture. Maybe it's because I just want to blabber and there is no image in my mind that I would, or can, capture for this post.

I don't know.

Well for one, it's my last month as a 21 year old and... maybe I just wanted to capture my face one last time as a 21 year old for blip.

How time goes by so fast.

I've been catching myself saying that a lot these days. So many countdowns. Last month til I'm 22. Six months til I graduate from college. Until I decide what I want to do next. Two months until our annual AAIV senior celebration, with our class being the reason for celebration.

But there's this... Indescribable peace. Is it peace? Or indifference? I don't know anymore.

No. I'm pretty sure it's peace.

All I'm praying for is that no sudden unexpected event will happen during this major countdown. I do stress over spontaneous events that may ruin my plans. But I always know I need those in order to learn that I'm not in control.



Be blasting Taylor swift at midnight on my birthday.

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