Fancy a Room?

One Street: Market Square, Shipley #116

I've survived my week from hell intact. It was made harder for coming off two previous weeks of hard graft. I've not had a day off now in three weeks, but I'm dropping tools tomorrow! Today again went well. After saying goodbye to our visitors this afternoon (and letting out a huge sigh of relief), I made a cup of tea for myself, logged on to blip, and promptly found that my "Ace of Hearts" shot had been chosen as a staff pick. That was a lovely note to end the week on. I'm dead chuffed.

What is most lovely is that that moment of spontaneity has now come to be shared and enjoyed by so many people. It's pretty cool to be part of that process. So thanks for raising its profile to get seen, and thank you also for all your support. I cannot tell you how much it's helped me get through this week. You are a totally wonderful bunch of people. What a community this is.

Just after planting his kiss the guy at the bus stop started to quiz me on why I was taking pictures. Not so many people do inquire actually, around about a third I would say, and I think the process of explaining has helped me to understand better myself why I love street photography so much. There is no simple answer to that question, though, so what I often tell people now is that I'm a landscape photographer who, after taking thousands of pictures of mountains and trees (which I must point out that I do still love taking), has discovered that people are actually far more fascinating subjects.

My photography often mirrors how I'm feeling inside. Smiles all around tonight! My way of saying thank you. I think a glass of wine is in order.

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