
By MShelley

Spring is surely around the corner

I was at a seminar today at a location that I don't visit very often. There was a reception area near the entrance but there was no friendly face to welcome the visitors. There was a phone with a notice that a visitor should call the extension of the person they would like to meet. Only a few years ago, most offices had receptionists who would warmly welcome you, call the person you had come to meet, and even talk about the journey/weather while you were waiting. If you were early, the receptionist would even offer a drink, or give you directions to the cafe. But not any more...

Access to buildings is now technology-controlled by identity cards and, in fact, most buildings no longer have dedicated reception areas. I find that they expect you to call the person you have come to visit who then comes out and lets you in.

I liked the human-reception areas and miss them....

I captured these flowers at 12:45 this afternoon. The day started quite well - bright, sunny and not so cold - but it became cold and windy as the day progressed.

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