Mellow yellow!

Went out with my pal to look for the 4 castles on Loch Awe. We found them though I think taking a chain saw might be a good idea as most of Loch Awe is obscured by bloody stupid useless gangly trees! What's the point in telling tourists to drive round the loch to see ancient castles etc when all you see is bloody mossy moth eaten trees! Time something was don about this travesty. I don't recall seeing wrecked trees along the Italian lakes or in Switzerland etc so why can't the proper authorities here get a grip & fell the damn things & give them to old folks as winter fuel payment etc! The entire tourist scenic thing is a joke!
Rant over! came across this mellow yellow old petrol pump still in gallons. It was standing by the roadside all forlorn but made for a good blip in what was otherwise a grey day

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