In The Occupied Territory

By FinHall

Race for the prize

Race ? a slow crawl more likely.
Nipped into Pittodrie to purchase my tickets for next month's League Cup final. ( and yes Sue it is football)
I knew there was going to be a queue, as there had been since the ticket office opened.
So after an hour and a half I had my tickets in my hand. Well not the tickets per sae, but the receipt for them. The actual tickets will be posted out in the next couple of weeks.
Anyway , presuming a lack of anything else to photograph today, this is my offering. To get to my spot from the back if the queue seen here, will take about 50 minutes.
Somebody notated that I looked miserable. I say to them that taking a selfie in a situation like this is a serious business, and putting a stub is grin on my face would not be the done thing.
Anyway, it was cold.

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