Northern Exposure

By Northern

Big waves and wee pricks

Waves were really rolling in today. Sounds like there's a train coming sometimes.

Both boys now down with what might be, or might not be, piglet flu. Neither has symptoms any worse than a mild flu but it probably is swine flu and I don't know the names of other flu so it makes the blip far more sensational. Both are now on the mend and starting to squabble over which medicinal DVD to watch.

Meanwhile, me and my asthmatic lungs are crossing our bronchioles and hoping it's not too bad. I'm due to get my swine flu jag next week, wonder if I'll hang on till then.

All of this does make me appreciate how much my life has changed because I get the annual general purpose flu jag every year. I haven't had a bout of flu since first getting the vaccination 6 years ago. Whereas before I could pretty much guarantee I'd come down with flu which then ended up with me having bronchitis, no fun at all.

So, to all those scientists and medics out there, thanks for being a pain in the arm.

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