Jones Journal

By MeeshJ

Pre Birthday Breakfast

It's H's 11th birthday tomorrow, she's off to London with her Guide group for Thinking Day at Alexandra Palace. She was unsure about missing her birthday at home so I told her she could have some presents today, so she was up at 6.30, and opened everything. Her favourite was the adoption of Lucky the Ringtailed Lemur at the zoo, especially the personalised letter he sent her!
An even earlier start tomorrow, at 5am, to get 3 Guides to the coach pick up at 6.15am, then back home for 7ish where I might be in time to go to Malvern with hubby taking B and 2 other Explorer Scouts to complete a practice D of E hike. Taxi service over I'm hoping to have some energy left to make H's birthday cake!

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