To the rescue

Farmergirl's son C acting out for the sake of assessment.

Today at school our seniors completed their First Aid course and as part of that they have to create scenarios for others in the group to deal with. Here C grimaces in pain as he has fallen out of a tree and not only jammed his arm but ripped it badly too.

Unlike Aron Ralston, he didn't have to cut it off. Once his First Aider had diagnosed the problems, and 'treated' his injuries, C was able to walk away, arm intact.

The students had a great time. There were all sorts scenarios from tree climbing falls to horse throwing, knife slips to car accidents. And all sorts of injuries from broken bones to damaged spines - but the kids seemed to like the ones with blood the best.

I ducked out straight after work to meet up with Farmergirl and her British blipper visitors; Ronamac and her husband. A lovely time spent chatting over coffee and then back to work for a few hours.

NOTE: I'll be out of range again tomorrow night so will back blip on Sunday.

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