
By Isabel

Land of Hope and Glory...

I came across this striking painting through a well known Gallery in Bearsden...

It struck me as very apt for today... The political wolves are circling and starting to show their teeth as the date of the Referendum grows closer...

For those living outside Scotland, I should perhaps explain further... last Thursday George Osborne (UK Chancellor of the Exchequer) announced that he would not be prepared to enter a currency union with an independent Scotland... i.e. no £ for Scotland if the answer is "Yes". The Scottish Government dismissed his speech as "Bluff, bluster and bullying" but it has generated a huge amount of publicity...

This painting shows the Saltire, but when you notice how the little girl is dressed you'll see the painting is dominated by the red, white and blue colours of the Union flag ...

Independence or Union....which will prevail?

The painting is by Gerard Burns, who trained at Glasgow School of Art...

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