Gran's funeral today. It was as you would expect. Good turn out (isn't that what you're supposed to say? Like it's a football match?) But seriously, it was good to see so many folk there. The Minister did a great job too. He managed to sum Gran up perfectly in all her independent, stubborn, competitive, pragmatic, fun-loving self.
Going back to her house after for tea was hard. Gran always set a good table, and would spend the whole mealtime bullying people into eating more. So today we did her proud and ate a table full. And I even had tea in a proper cup - she'd have liked to see that. Here's a bit of cake that survived the feasting. Don't worry, Gran, it won't go to waste, I'll have it for breakfast!
More to say, but it's easier left unsaid.
For now, let's just stick with cake.
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