Preparing For Wedding Shoot!

On my second day were I should have been off and in London the day started hectic again! But I hasten to add it is never a complaint, I love my work and love being rushed off my feet.

Had to pop out to a customers and on the way the sun came out and hit these trees in front of me, just as a place to pull up appeared. Quickly stopped, got out of the car, reached in the back to get my camera, held it to my eye and 'boom'! The sun had gone! More annoying than an annoying thing!

After dinner, I decided to get everything ready for my wedding shoot of a friends Daughter at the weekend.

Pulled out the OMD EM1's and the D3S with all the lenses I will need. Two tripods, just in case! 2 x Nikon SB900's, 2 x Metz 45 Hammer head flashes, lots of spare batteries.

All piled on the dining table for me to go through tomorrow morning.

Taking my D3S as the Em1 has a noise problem in low light and I will be shooting through the evening. Some professional photographers I know, just use the EM1, but I am not a professional and don't shoot weddings week in, week out. I know the D3S is good for above 10,000 ISO so it will be my weapon of choice during the evening!

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