The Daily Fox ...

By MaggieB

Drudgery and disappointment ..

Well - it's not that bad really!

While mum was at art, I tackled a bit more of the disgraceful bedroom.

Out to the wolds in the afternoon, but nothing much to report.

When I came home Mama fox was sitting on the lawn so I went out to give her a snack .. and picked up my camera. As I looked through the lens I wondered what the approaching blob could be. It was Marcus! It's odd - he's so skittish sometimes - but a couple of times he's come into the garden when I'm out there - it's almost as though he can't see me.

And now to my disappointment ..

I discovered a shocking thing today ..

It seems that one way Amazon is able to undercut other sellers' book prices, is by the publisher (amazingly) supplying them with a 'special' Amazon edition - which Amazon will sell you without pointing this out.

I ordered a friend's book and it arrived today. It *should* have been printed in colour on decent paper - yet the Amazon edition ((£7.54 rather than £12.99) is published on crappy thin paper with dire black and white photos ..

Is that common knowledge? I'm disgusted to be honest ..

This is her book - all about a fox she befriended :)

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