All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Drummer Boy

After Ethan being so worn out yesterday, I kept him off nursery again today and instead we paid a visit to Blackford to visit my sister-in-law, brother-in-law and niece.

Apart from my sister-in-laws birthday party in December, we haven't been there for a few years. However Ethan soon settled in there as they were making / decorating cakes when we arrived so he was keen to help!

My niece is 8 years older than Ethan but he enjoys her company and we had a fun afternoon. He especially liked trying out her drumsticks and drumpad just before we let!

Unfortunately I forgot to turn off the slip road on the M9 towards Edinburgh and didn't notice until I was at Castlecary that I was on completely the wrong road! Tried to be a smartarse and then miss out Glasgow by going a road I didn't know via Airdrie but think I went a long way and ended up stuck in rush hour traffic on the M8 instead! Just as well Ethan slept for pretty much the whole journey!

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