Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Back together again ...

Lucy waited like a little black widow spider for Eve to wake up and as soon as Eve moved Lucy pounced for her cuddle ... Eve obliged and produced gifts she had got her ...The tea towel was a TRIUMPH ! Eve said the mum squealed with delight and apparently if she was acting it was indeed very good ... Mr W had to be over at Sibford for 2.30am and the bus got in on time so they were back in Stratford for 3am ... Like a dutiful mother I stayed awake to say hello and then Eve proceeded to get into bed with us and take up loads of room and fall asleep !!!!! Mr W and I were clinging on to each side of our bed !!! I never had the heart to throw her out .Its modern attachment parenting ;)
Anyway her trip was amazing and she cried when she left her family ... Even though the dad was grumpy and a little bit scary.
I have given Tits McGee the best gift ever for walking my dogs whilst I was away ... It's a stick of rock (candy) with UP YOURS written all the way through .. She loves it ;)

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