
By dorrit

A Continuation

I believe this is a continuation of what Carol of Carol:Rosie and Mr Fun was saying. So many students going to college while only some are dedicated to getting a good education and working hard to graduate.

Although this newspaper was lauding higher enrollment as being a good thing, they stated that the reason for higher enrollment was not more students with a burning desire to learn but simply because they think it is easier to keep going to school then to look for work in a tough economic climate.

My understanding is that many people with a good education - even masters and doctorates are finding it hard to find work so an education is not the only answer. To fill our universities with students who really do not have the desire to learn but are simply passing time seems to be the worst possible solution to our problems. If they don't have the incentive to strive to be the best that they can be we will simply have more people who don't make it and owe thousands in student loans.

I wish I had the answer. I know the one thing I did right with my children was to tell them when they were two and three and just learning to read while sitting in my lap that reading would open up the whole world to them, take them anywhere they wanted to go, help them do anything and be anything! They all went on eager to learn. Even (and I hate to use the word "even" in association with her but,'even' Rachel, who has Down Syndrome could read and write by the time she was five years old!

We somehow have to reach our children when they are very young and fill them with the desire to learn. The excitement of it! Whether through college, or skills or life experience, the desire to learn is what sets us apart.


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