The Parting of the Ways

This is the M62 - 1,100 ft above sea level, and this is the bit most people who travel it remember - Stott Hall Farm.
Legend has it that a hardy, redoubtable (some say pig-headed) sheep farmer called Ken Wild refused to budge as the bulldozers inched ever closer to his doorstep. He was allegedly offered huge sums of cash to up stumps and leave Stott Hall Farm to its fate. But he refused and the Ministry of Transport - rather than give in to his outrageous demands, split the motorway so that it went around his farm.
As with many legends - this is not true. It was the geology of the moor that made the engineers build it on two levels around the farm. They kept getting landslips on the boggy moor and the only solution was to split the carriageways - thus the farm survived.

If you press L you can see the farm a little better.

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